Sunday, August 28, 2011

Aug 28, Daily News

China time Friday, Aug 26. Hong Kong scientists said that they have discovered a molecule that binds human sperm to an egg, in a breakthrough which offers new hope for infertile couples. Currently still in the experimental stage, Researchers expect the discovery to be put into clinical use in two years. This project was conducted in cooperation with research groups from Imperial College in Britain, Academia Sinica in Taiwan and University of Missouri in the United States.

It is news that the Hong Kong scientists found molecule. If this experiment is successful, this will be a pioneering work. This will help a lot infertile couples who want children.

"HK Study Finds Molecule That Offers Fertility Hope - Yahoo! News." Yahoo! News Trans. APF. Yahoo! News, 26 Aug. 2011. Web. 29 Aug. 2011.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Aug 25, Daily News

Naper Elementary School welcomed in the new school year with the first Naper Fun Fair on Aug. 19. The school playground was transformed into a fun-filled fairground for the evening with games, prizes and refreshments available. The Naper Home and School Committee worked hard to ensure students were not suffering from the back-to-school blues, which certainly paid off. Therefore, there are many different kinds’ activities during the fun fair. Reflections of the students are good. Also, the fair also helped raise funds for the school.

According this fun fair, teachers and students, students and their families’ relationship are improved. So, school should come up more fun activities for students. Those activities can help people can more close to another one. It is helpful for students learning something which is beside classes.

Submitted Report. "Naper Elementary School Starts Year with Fun Fair - Naperville Sun." Naperville Sun 24 Aug. 2011. Web. 25 Aug. 2011.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Aug 24, Daily News

Steve Jobs resigns from Apple, Tim Cook becomes CEO. Silicon Valley legend Steve Jobs on Wednesday resigned as chief executive of Apple Inc in a stunning move that ended his 14-year reign. Steve Jobs saying he can no longer handle the job. Apple said Jobs was elected board chairman and Cook is becoming a member of its board. Analysts do not expect Jobs' resignation, and Apple's stock price fell. There are many people concerned about a new iPhone in September and a third iteration of the iPad tablet in 2012.

According this news, we know Steve Jobs resigns as Apple CEO, says he can no longer handle job, and Tim Cook becomes Apple CEO. The leader of Apple is replaced, it makes Apple's stock price fell. This phenomenon exposes leader always plays an important role in company. A good leader can led company to the peak. Instead, the company will receive low.

Gupta, Poornima. "Steve Jobs Resigns from Apple, Cook Becomes CEO - Yahoo! News." Yahoo! News 24 Aug. 2011. Web. 24 Aug. 2011.

Aug 23, Daily News

From the science results, it shows us there are more than three-quarters of Illinois high school graduates aren’t completely ready for college. The results were based on the students’ ACT scores. The ACT test includes four parts: English, reading, math and science. The test data reveals there only 28 percent of Illinois graduating class scored in 2011. It is high enough to predict the students will possibly land a C or better grade. Also, ACT predicts that high school students need at least a 24 on the ACT science subtest — the highest of all the benchmark levels to get in a nice university. And there are some other college readiness benchmarks are:
1. A 22 in ACT math to be ready for college algebra;
2. A 21 in ACT reading to be prepared for college social science;
3. And an 18 in ACT English to be prepared for a college English composition class.
Combination of those information, Several experts worried about facing No Child Left Behind sanctions tied to reading and math results.

As a student, heard this news must feel muddleheaded. It will affect students to think about their future. What kind’s school they should go or they can go? etc. At the same time, this news will cause school and teacher to attach importance to students’ ACT score. They will try to figure out what is the best way to help student get the higher score.

ROSSI, ROSALIND. "Three of Four State Grads Not Ready for College, ACT Scores Show - Chicago Sun-Times." Naperville Sun 16 Aug. 2011. Web. 24 Aug. 2011.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Aug 22nd, 2011. Daily News

Here is a girl who a college student freelancing for The Naperville Sun this summer, names Grace Wong. She tells a story of friend who overdosed. When she was a high school student, she hated physics. In the physics class, she met a boy names Miles who also detested physics. They quickly became friends, and they always ranted the tedious homework assignments. At the same time, Grace heard that Miles was addicted to marijuana; yet, Grace didn’t sure. Their friendship ended up when physics class ended. A month ago, Miles haphazardly Facebook-messaged Grace, he told Grace that what happened in his high school time, and God saved his life. Since Miles became a Christian, he renounced all his drug addictions and has been clean for a year.

This story shows us two points. One, teenagers are always making mistake, such as drunk, fight, take drugs etc. Because teenagers are easy to be tempted, they will do a lot of stupid things. Two, God is faithful and forgiveness. Although Miles did a very terrible thing, God gives him a chance to correct them. Miles also got the chance and used it. God would never abandon you. He is a person you can always trust. You can always put yourself into his unfailing love.

Wong, Grace. "Naperville College Student Tells Story of Friend Who Overdosed - Naperville Sun." The Naperville Sun 28 July 2011. Web. 23 Aug. 2011.

Monday, August 1, 2011

The Brainstorm of Arugment Essay

Topic 4: should a passing score on English achievement test be the main requirement for international students to enter a university in an English –speaking country? What are the pros and cons of this issue? Choose one side and write your essay in support of it.

My opinion: English achievement test should not be the main requirement for international students to enter a university in English –speaking country.

l         English achievement test just help university to know students’ English level, but actually it didn’t really help school to know students’ English level.
l         Some students are not good at test, they are not test taker. But they really had learned something, they doesn’t have problem for communicate with other people. They just not good at test. That’s not fair for them.
l         The score grade didn’t mean anything. Actually, students could achieve scores by endorsement. Did they learn something no one knows, except themselves.
l         For international students, they go to English –speaking country is because they believe that those countries can help them learn English better than their own country, those countries provide a nature environment for the people who want to practice English. If international students’ English are perfect and good, as a nature American, then why they will spend a lot of money to go to those countries’ school.
l         School is a place for students whom want learning and developing their skills.

The English achievement test can give school a general idea students’ English level


Thursday, July 28, 2011


In my childhood, my parents were very busy. They had worked very hard because they want to provide me a nice environment to live or study; therefore, they didn’t have a lot of time to be with me. When I was five years old that year, my parents decided to travel Huangshan with me. That is my first time to travel with my family. The night before we leave, I was so fevered, even though I can’t sleep. Thus, I slept when we on the way to Huangshan’s province, Anhui. After we arrived Anhui, the sky was already dark. So, we spend one night in the hotel which is in the foot of mountain. The next day, we started to climb the mountain. The road of mountain is very long and dangerous. That is difficulty for a five years old girl to climb it. I felt bored and tired, I wanted to stop. And I begun to hate this trip, I didn’t understand why my parents chose to take me to climb the mountain, but not Disneyland. After I climb to the top of the mountain, I saw that gorgeous scenery, I got shake that is how beautiful. At that time, my question got the answer. From this trip, I learned that after our hard work, we will have some accidental reap.